This guide assumes the following:
In Heroku:
In your terminal:
heroku login
with the name you provided or that was given to
you when creating the Heroku app.heroku git:remote --app <APP_NAME>
In your Blitz application:
and an build
We'll call the start script in the Procfile
below. And Heroku will
run the build
script for you on deploy."scripts": {
+ "start:production": "blitz start --port $PORT",
+ "build": "blitz build"
file inside the root of your project with the
following content.release: npx blitz prisma migrate deploy --preview-feature
web: npm run start:production
Deploy using git:
With these changes committed, to deploy your application, run:
git push heroku main
Once built you can open your application with the following command in your terminal
heroku open
Note: While the application should now be working you will not be able
to use authentication until you provide Heroku with a SESSION_SECRET_KEY
envivonment variable. You can do this with the following command replacing
with your secret (at least 32 characters long). On macOS and
Linux, you can generate it by running openssl rand -hex 16
in your